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Tag: Cavalon

Back in the air again – FAA recommences issue of AutoGyro primary category type certificates

We want to offer our congratulations to the AutoGyro USA team, their patient owners, and the AutoGyro Certification Team for their success in appealing the imposition of helicopter fuel system safety requirements in gyroplanes.

We are all grateful for the careful consideration and understanding of the different operational characteristics given within the FAA, leveraging the new AIR Issue Resolution and Appeal Process. All aircraft that were temporarily grounded have been released into service without any modifications required.  The entire AutoGyro team is thrilled to be back in full production. As the only provider of factory built, Primary Category type-certificated gyroplanes in the entire United States. We would like to thank everyone in the AutoGyro community for their support as we navigated this lengthy challenge.  We are grateful to the FAA for their communication and consideration throughout the appeal process. And are excited to focus on what we do best, designing and building safe beautiful gyroplanes.
Enjoy the Difference!

happy customers Eddy and Vicki Swamy take their new Cavalon delivery at the AutoGyro USA office in Maryland
AutoGyro USA office in Maryland

Our happy customers Eddy and Vicki Swamy were the first ones to take their new Cavalon delivery at the AutoGyro USA office in Maryland.  And enjoyed their amazing journey across the US.




You will be the first one in the world who is going to be admired, wherever you are. The first real Flying car in the world! You can go anywhere you want in a Cavalon GyroMotion. Can’t travel by air? Take the road instead – with AutoGyro GyroMotion you will be free to choose. Stop for fuel at a petrol station and then just fly over the traffic again. The GyroMotion combines the unique flying characteristics of an AutoGyro gyroplane with an electric road-based vehicle. For more information about the AutoGyro Gyromotion, please visit the website of our Czech partner:


The AutoGyro GyroMotion is currently only certified in the Czech Republic and can be flown and driven under a Czech certificate, but it will soon be certified within the EU. AutoGyro’s engineers and certification team are working hard to have it certified in many more countries. Can’t wait to fly and drive your aircraft, please order your GyroMotion model and we will keep working on a swift certification for the European market. Please find more information about the AutoGyro GyroMotion in our Brochure.


Introducing the Cavalon Pro version of the AutoGyro Cavalon aircraft, compliant with UK Civil Aviation Authority requirements for a UK Standard Category Certificate of Airworthiness. This ICAO-compliant certificate is recognised across the globe, and AutoGyro is the only company in the world with this level of gyroplane certification.

With this certification, the aircraft is permitted to undertake any paid aerial work for which it is equipped and approved, and where a Certificate of Airworthiness is required, especially in Europe. Examples of such work include air taxi, carriage of goods, surveying, police and fire service duties, and much more.

The Cavalon Pro aircraft are fitted with a certified Rotax 914, 915, or 916 iSc engine and constant speed Woodcomp propeller, ensuring maximum safety and reliability. The Cavalon Pro can be supplied either with a UK registration and Airworthiness Certificate, ready to fly under a UK PPL or CPL licence, or with a Statement of Aircraft Conformity for local country acceptance.

Certification includes day and night VFR, and IFR capability.

Most countries, where legislation permits, would recognise and verify the aircraft certification via their systems and award their equivalent. In cases where that is not practical and subject to local aviation legal limitations, the aircraft can undertake aerial work under a UK registration. This certification is equivalent to any other certificated aircraft, such as a Cessna or Airbus, ensuring the highest level of safety and compliance for professional use.

So, if you’re looking for a reliable and compliant gyroplane for your professional needs, look no further than the Cavalon Pro aircraft. Order yours today and experience the ultimate in professional gyroplane aviation.



Designed to incorporate aesthetics, functionality, and elegance

The Cavalon side-by-side seated model offers stunning looks and stellar performance. It flies smoothly, with low vibration, very fast and remains economical. The tough carbon and fibreglass body withstands the rigours of day-to-day work, always ready for flight at the turn of a key. Maintenance is easy, with fast removable cowlings giving quick access to the configurable low-maintenance Rotax 914, 915 or 916 series engines. Aluminum rotors are chosen for their robustness and reliability, cutting through any weather conditions, unlike composite rotors.

The occupant’s safety is AutoGyro’s main priority, with a proven safety cell protection concept. In addition, many additional duplicate safety systems are available including dual oil pressure and fire warnings. The aircraft also offers dual coolant temp warnings, dual fuel warnings, multiple radio fitment, and ADSB.

Certifications are a necessary for all aircraft, with no exception the Cavalon has local country approvals and a full standard category of airworthiness, making it a safe world-recognized aircraft. The Turkish Jandarma chose AutoGyro as their supplier of Cavalons for their aerial gyroplane fleet for our proven safety and various certifications.

AutoGyro offers aircraft packages suitable for a range of operations, including air taxis, flying schools, police missions and other sports. The Cavalon offers a vast array of customizable options and features, allowing for a tailored aircraft. Customizable features include body colours, interior packages, Rotax engines and more specialized amphibious floats, nose-mounted cameras, and unique coastguard equipment to make the Cavalon suitable for coastal patrols. Contact us to discuss your mission needs, we can find the right package for you.

CAVALON amphib

Introducing the Cavalon Amphib – the ultimate land and floating platform designed for professional use. Equipped with floats and retractable gear, a powerful Rotax 915 – or even 916 – engine, and state-of-the-art avionics, this high-quality aircraft offers superior performance, versatility, and safety features for a wide range of applications.

The Cavalon Amphib’s unique amphibious capabilities make it ideal for operations in both land and water environments. Its well-proven floats allow for smooth takeoffs and landings on water, while the pneumatically lowered landing gear makes it a breeze to operate on normal airfields, ensuring maximum efficiency and safety in any operation. In addition to its impressive performance, the Cavalon Amphib also features a range of advanced safety features, such as LED gear position and locked indicators. With its robust airframe and modern avionics, this aircraft offers unparalleled safety and reliability, ensuring your peace of mind while in the air or on the ground.

The Cavalon Amphib’s spacious cabin and ergonomic seats provide maximum comfort for passengers, making it an ideal choice for transportation and scenic tours. The large windows also provide stunning panoramic views of the surroundings, offering a unique and unforgettable experience for passengers. This aircraft is suitable for a wide range of applications, including in-shore and off-shore coastal patrol, offshore oil- and gas operations, aerial photography, search and rescue missions, cargo transportation and more. With its impressive performance, advanced capabilities and versatility, the Cavalon Amphib is designed to meet the demands of even the most challenging professional environments.

So, whether you’re looking for an aircraft for marine or land operations, the Cavalon Amphib is the perfect choice for you. Order yours today and experience the ultimate in professional aviation.

Cavalon XC Amphibious

CAVALON SENTINEL | your eye in the sky


The Cavalon Sentinel may be equipped with day/infrared cameras as the perfect solution for fulfilling missions such as search and rescue, surveillance, and inspection. Such proven equipment can track cars and read license plates from 500 foot AGL (above ground level), and effectively detect the heat signatures of the people and vehicles on the ground.

Generally the cameras are 2- or 3-axis stabilized units with 360 degrees continuous rotation capability, with digital auto video stabilization and target tracking. Optical zoom capability ranges from zero to 30 times, and most infrared systems can provide four times zoom.

Equipped with the Rotax 915 or 916 iS engine, and optional Autopilot, the Cavalon Sentinel has all the capability needed to fulfil your mission requirements. AutoGyro recognises that different mission objectives require different cameras or on-board systems such as LIDAR scanning.

With a multitude of such systems already in service, the AutoGyro advanced engineering team has the skills and knowledge to provide the systems integration needed for such applications. Talk to us about your wants and needs, and we will work with you to find the solution.

AutoGyro is the very proud supplier of fully equipped Cavalon Sentinels to the Turkish Jandarma (Police)

Example application areas:

  • Ground vehicle tracking and recognition
  • Search and rescue
  • (Wild)Fire spotting and tracking
  • General surveillance 
  • Traffic law enforcement
  • Media aerial photography
  • Border patrols
  • Overhead line/ Pipeline monitoring 
  • Close protection etc…

Our platform for law enforcement

The Cavalon 915iS is the ideal platform to carry camera equipment and provide aerial support and overview for the officers on the ground. With plentiful energy available from auxiliary alternators, Police radio equipment can easily be powered for excellent communications and still have power for cameras, live stream downlinks, and other on-board systems.

AutoGyro has created a superb cabin ‘office’ environment and will tailor-make one to meet your needs. Our law enforcement models provide aerial support by day and by night. All our models are available as Night VFR certified in accordance with BCAR Section T, CRIE-01, and FAA Primary Category.

The AutoGyro Cavalon Sentinel offers:

  • Police radio system integration with live number plate recognition and 7″ control screen
  • Third radio integration for aux communications
  • Integrated camera display panel and controls
  • Removable passenger seat control stick
  • Heated seat with lumbar support, perfect comfort for long missions
  • Heated and well-ventilated cabin for cold or hot mission environments
  • Side-by-side seating for the excellent camera operator to pilot communications.


Introducing the Cavalon Amphib – the ultimate land and floating platform designed for professional use. Equipped with floats and retractable gear, a powerful Rotax 915 – or even 916 – engine, and state-of-the-art avionics, this high-quality aircraft offers superior performance, versatility, and safety features for a wide range of applications.

The Cavalon Amphib’s unique amphibious capabilities make it ideal for operations in both land and water environments. Its well-proven floats allow for smooth takeoffs and landings on water, while the pneumatically lowered landing gear makes it a breeze to operate on normal airfields, ensuring maximum efficiency and safety in any operation. In addition to its impressive performance, the Cavalon Amphib also features a range of advanced safety features, such as LED gear position and locked indicators. With its robust airframe and modern avionics, this aircraft offers unparalleled safety and reliability, ensuring your peace of mind while in the air or on the ground.

The Cavalon Amphib’s spacious cabin and ergonomic seats provide maximum comfort for passengers, making it an ideal choice for transportation and scenic tours. The large windows also provide stunning panoramic views of the surroundings, offering a unique and unforgettable experience for passengers. This aircraft is suitable for a wide range of applications, including in-shore and off-shore coastal patrol, offshore oil- and gas operations, aerial photography, search and rescue missions, cargo transportation and more. With its impressive performance, advanced capabilities and versatility, the Cavalon Amphib is designed to meet the demands of even the most challenging professional environments.

So, whether you’re looking for an aircraft for marine or land operations, the Cavalon Amphib is the perfect choice for you. Order yours today and experience the ultimate in professional aviation.

Cavalon XC Amphibious

Cavalon | journey the world side-by-side

Pure craftsmanship – Made in Germany

Designed to combine aesthetics, functionality and elegance | creating a distinctive and attractive appearance.

The Cavalon side-by-side seated model is probably the best in the world. Stunning to look at and to fly. Smooth, low vibration, fast, comfortable, and economical. This is a machine to envy, yet it is a real workhorse. The tough carbon and fibreglass body withstands the rigours of day-to-day work, always ready for action at the turn of a key. Maintenance is easy, with fast removable cowlings, giving quick access to the low-maintenance Rotax 915 or 916 series engines. Aluminum rotors are chosen for their robustness and reliability, cutting through any weather conditions, unlike composite rotors.

AutoGyro is rightly proud of its safety features. The occupant’s safety cell protection is a proven concept. In addition, many detailed systems are available such as dual oil pressure and fire warnings. The aircraft also offers dual coolant temp warnings, dual fuel warnings, multiple radio fitment, and ADSB. This is where years and years of experience count.

Of course, in today’s world, there is always a need for paperwork. Cavalon has local country approvals and a full standard category of airworthiness, making it a safe and world-recognized aircraft. This is why the Turkish Jandarma chose AutoGyro as their supplier of Cavalons for their aerial gyroplane fleet!

AutoGyro offers aircraft packages suitable for a range of operations, such as air taxis, flying schools, police missions, and fishing. The Cavalon offers a vast array of customizable options and features, allowing for a tailored experience. Customizable features, like amphibious floats, nose-mounted cameras, and coastguard equipment make the Cavalon suitable for coastal patrols. Contact us to discuss your mission needs, and we can find the right package for you.

Now available: the brand new AutoGyro Cavalon brochure

We are thrilled to announce the brand new AutoGyro Cavalon product brochure is now available online. It features the latest product information round about the Cavalon and the service that AutoGyro provides.

It contains:

  • The brand new product features such as the leather seat cover and the light-weight nose wheel cover
  • The brand new built-in configurations on the cockpit dashboard:
    • Garmin Autopilot (GFC 500)
    • Wireless connection with mobile devices (PowerFlarm Fusion)
    • Night version assistance (Garmin GNC 255 Radio/NAV)
    • USB port (GSB 15)
    • Heater control panel
  • The extended information of exterior and interior customization
  • The entire cockpit configuration is in one place
  • Dedicated pages incorporating Cavalon design concept, customer care, commercial model, and certification information

At AutoGyro, we strive for non-stop innovation and continuous improvement for customers, from design to technology, from product to service.

Please feel free to download the brochure from our product page, or directly click the link as below. We look forward to hearing from you!

AutoGyro Calidus is now fully released to the French market at an increased maximum take-off weight

With the strong support from our AutoGyro French Partner Fly Aero, one more AutoGyro model is fully approved and released to the French market. The AutoGyro Calidus has now been approved to the French ultralight aircraft standard with an MTOW (maximal take-off weight) of 500kg and is available to French customers with immediate effect.

Calidus is our tandem seated gyroplane model with a closed cabin. Since the market release in 2009, Calidus is particularly favoured by flight schools, tourism, and law enforcement agencies. Thanks to the built-in cabin heater and adjustable seat position, this gyroplane model offers an excellent combination of cabin comfort and a unique flying experience. This configuration provides the passenger in the rear seat an indoor lounge environment without losing the panorama view in the air.

Fly Aero has been partnered with AutoGyro since 2005. They are fully authorized as a distribution and maintenance partner of AutoGyro. Apart from the updated Calidus, the AutoGyro models of Cavalon, MTOclassic and MTOsport 2017 are also available for French customers. For more details, please contact Stéphane Kübler from Fly Aero direct via