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Passionate. Inspired. Driven. Visionary.

AutoGyro is the world leader in the innovation, production, and distribution of gyroplanes. The Made-in-Germany production commenced in 2003, and since then AutoGyro has proudly produced and delivered more than 3.200 aircraft across the globe. The company has the highest market share in the entire global gyroplane industry.

Based in Hildesheim, Germany, all the AutoGyro models are developed in-house, and more than 90% of the aircraft parts are self-manufactured. These stunning German-engineered aircraft are fully certified by numerous national aviation authorities.

AutoGyro is the only gyroplane manufacturer in the world with certification approval for gyroplane commercial flight operations.

With a sales and service network in over 40 countries, AutoGyro is perfectly placed to support national or international flight requirements, wherever the aircraft is planned to operate.

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Why AutoGyro products are right for you.

  • Stunningly beautiful Red Dot design award winning aircraft, handcrafted to meet your needs.
  • Available in almost any colour or colour combination, with a huge range of options and accessories.
  • Handmade in Germany to German industrial standards.
  • An enviable overall verifiable performance package of speed, range, payload, and comfort.
  • Real service reliability with real product support, crafted over 20 years of production.
  • The largest gyroplane manufacturer in the world, with more than 2,000 MTOsport gyroplanes, 550 Cavalons and 550 Calidus delivered all around the globe.
  • A huge collective knowledge of real time service experience.amassed from more than 3,100 aircraft produced.
  • To keep you looked after, AutoGyro has over 40 international sales and maintenance partners.
  • To keep you in the air, a full spectrum of customer service and after-sales service, including spare parts supply, on-line technical and maintenance support and airworthiness information.
  • To keep you safe, our aircraft are fully certified by numerous national aviation authorities, and proved to comply with the combined highest global certification requirements. These include the UK Civil Airworthiness Authority BCAR Section T, UK and CRI-E01, German BUT (Bauvorschriften für Ultraleichte Tragschrauber), Federal Aviation Authority of America Primary Category and, ASTM requirements of Civil Aviation Authority of China – as well as detail additional requirements in other countries. No other gyroplane manufacturer gives you this level of safety.

How AutoGyro started…

In 2003 Thomas Kiggen, a flight instructor from Höxter, and Michael Ullrich wanted to fly gyroplanes in Germany, but none were approved at that time. They teamed up with the entrepreneurial Otmar Birkner and together created the original MT-03 gyroplane. This became the first-ever gyroplane built and certified in Germany to the German Bauvorschriften für ultraleichte Tragrauber (the ultralight gyroplane airworthiness requirements). The MT-03 is named after M(ichael) and T(homas) – (20)03. AutoGyro’s history began with the first production of this world-renowned aircraft.

Series production commenced in 2004, initially supplying the burgeoning demand in Germany, and then in Europe and eventually around the world. Thomas Kiggen created a very successful flight school in Hildesheim airfield, providing flight training to a huge number of pilots, and Michael Ullrich had the joy of learning to fly gyroplanes.

Who is Otmar Birkner?  As a mechanical engineer and an aircraft enthusiast, Otmar started a company called HTC (High Tech Composites) to manufacture propellers in the 1990s, and later Eagles World Trikes, a weight-shit ultralight aircraft. This experience and manufacturing infrastructure laid the foundations for the creation of the world-class company that AutoGyro has become. 

Igniting the passion for gyroplanes worldwide

Whilst the German MT-03 certification approval was widely accepted, some countries have their own regulations. Gerald Speich had been working for many years with home-built gyroplanes in the UK and saw the opportunity to sell factory built models instead. So in 2005 he agreed to partner his company, RotorSport UK Ltd, with AutoGyro as the aircraft manufacturer and obtained the necessary company approvals to allow this to happen.

In 2006 the MT-03 received the UK Type Approval, becoming the first factory-built modern-day gyroplane to legally operate in the UK. This toughly regulated certification approval is highly respected around the world and opened many new markets for AutoGyro.

In 2007 the success of the company meant that it had to become a full German GmbH, and AutoGyro GmbH is now the recognised global standard for gyroplane design, development, and production.

The MT-03 developed into the MTOsport in 2008, a flight school dominating tandem instructional gyroplane. With new flight schools and many more pilots, we quickly learned that there was a demand for a warm, enclosed, cabin, especially in the colder climates. So, in 2009 we engineered and certified the game-changing Calidus – the world’s first enclosed two-seat tandem factory-built gyroplane. Flying this aircraft is exhilarating, with superb all-round visibility, and an almost jetfighter feel.

To cater to our customers who prefer to be sitting socially side by side, we created the stunning and world-class leading Cavalon. Watching your passenger grin in delight whilst experiencing the joy of flying gyroplanes is joy itself!

Footnote: the term ’gyroplane’ is the international standard regulatory word used to describe our aircraft. ‘Gyrocopter’ is a trademark used by Dr. Igor Benson in the 1950s.

Our Partner Network; how we support you

To serve our global customer base, AutoGyro has a network of Partners located all around the world.

These well-trained teams provide a combination of services depending on where they operate:

  • Country or region AutoGyro aircraft fleet management
  • Country or region liaison with local regulatory authorities
  • New AutoGyro aircraft sales
  • Flight schools
  • Spare parts stock and supply
  • Maintenance, service, and repair support

AutoGyro organises an annual Partners meeting, as well as maintenance training courses, with the aim of ensuring that the AutoGyro Partner team delivers first-class service wherever the aircraft is located.

Interested to become an AutoGyro accredited Partner? Email us please, from the contacts page.

Your AutoGyro Team

Executive Board

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Chief Executive Officer

Gerald Speich

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Chief Executive Officer

Aleksandra Witkowska

Sales & Marketing

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Sales Director EMEA, LATAM

Mathias Oesterreich

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Chief Executive Officer AutoGyro USA, Sales Director NA

Terri Rose

AutoGyro Sonja Seitz Marketing Manager
Marketing & Social Media Manager

Tatiana Vidnevskaia

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Sales & Office Administrator

Kerstin Sievers

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General Manager APAC

Allan Lau

Technical Support

Technical Support

Markus Englitzky

Technical Support

Stefan Sander

Spare Parts


Supply Chain Management

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SCM & Purchasing Manager

Robin Pöschel


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Quality Manager

Jörg Horenburg

Human Resources

AutoGyro Maria Kryvolap HR Manager
Human Resources Manager

Maria Kryvolap


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Engineering Manager

Harald Stindl

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Innovation Manager

Otmar Birkner

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Certification Manager

Kai Reisland